Posts Tagged ‘work’

  1. Rounding the corner on 3 weeks

    June 9, 2012 by Julie Moon

    I’m happy to be nearing another weekend and getting closer to being 3 weeks post surgery.  I think at 3 weeks I can stop wearing these horrid compression garments.  I’m hoping that I can start getting 1/2 of me in the pool (if the water in Georgia will ever warm up).  I’m feeling more like myself and I’m going to start working again next week.

    I’m driving…but it does make me very sore.

    My house ends up looking like this more often than not…which I’m slowly getting used to.  Remember I’m an organizer by profession.

    Though I am feeling better there is lots going on in my family.  Stuff with my father in laws health and also with my future brother in law and my mom.  I’m ready for the universe to give us all just a couple months off from all of it.  Somehow I don’t think that’s the direction we’re headed.

    As far as my recovery…things are looking on.  My left breast is not pretty but not infected and supposedly healing…though I’m skeptical that everything is going exactly right.  I gotta keep it bandaged and keep an eye on things.  Also…you’d be amazed how many times your children bang into your chest on a daily basis…trust me…it’s lots.  ouch.

  2. Stir Crazy

    February 17, 2012 by Julie Moon

    I’m going a little stir crazy I think. I’m turning into a grump. I’m not used to being at home and not being able to do much of anything while I’m here. All my friends know how I love to have a project and I have none. I keep walking around the house thinking about how much I need to repaint the walls in the hall and how I want my bedroom to be repainted. I wish I could be working. I sit in my recliner and stare at my backyard which is quite a nice place but in the winter it’s just not that pretty…needs mulch and a mow. I have several things I want to get framed and hang on the wall. I want to rearrange the computer on my desk. I want to fix my broken desk chair. I’m home non stop so I’m noticing every imperfection in my flooring and cabinets. I want to tidy the kids rooms and find the stopper to a piggy bank that is missing somewhere in her room. I want to do. I need to heal. This is hard.

  3. Bubbling Up

    November 20, 2011 by Julie Moon

    I feel the emotions starting to bubble up.  Here’s the rambings of an emotional woman…hold on….

    I am working lots right now…both of my jobs.  Yes I have two jobs on top of being a mother and being married to a very busy entrepreneur.   There is tons to do to get ready for Christmas.  I’m trying to calmly and rationally knock things off the present list but I feel it hanging over my head.  I worked all day today and I’m working most of the day tomorrow.  I got upset tonight about the quality of some of my work and I just broke down.  I was so mad at myself.  I nearly chunked my camera into a brick wall.  Thankfully one of my friends was there to listen to me and calmed me down a bit.  I’m still pretty upset and disappointed.  I know I will get it all figured out but I know I’m better than the work I’m producing.   It’s Thanksgiving and I miss my brother.  I’m not scared about next weekend meeting the doctors but I think I”m starting to get really emotional about it…like that deep dark emotion that you don’t really realize is in there but it TOTALLY affects you.  My friend is out in San Diego at the 3day this weekend and posting pictures and it’s making me so emotional to see the event again.  I can’t explain it to you all who haven’t been…I think there’s a Pavlovian reaction to seeing the 3day…just brings it out of me.  I’m not out of control.  I’m not angry.  I just feel a storm brewing in my heart.