Posts Tagged ‘oopherectomy’

  1. Two less fallopian tubes to worry about

    September 20, 2014 by Julie Moon

    I had surgery on Wednesday.  My friend and gynecologist here in town, Stephanie Allen, did the surgery.  She has been a great support through all my decision making and has been great about providing me with articles and research to support my decision making.  I always feel respected and like we are in a partnership for finding my best health plan.

    It was a fairly simple laproscopic procedure.  She removed my two fallopian tubes.  I was told (I wasn’t awake yet when she came to check in) that the right tube had a cyst.  It’s obviously being sent off to pathology and the left tube was attached to my left ovary.  She said she had some difficulty removing the tube.  Hindsight is 20/20 and I don’t know why we didn’t think of this but I wish I had asked her to remove one of my ovaries.  As far as I understand my body can function normally with just one ovary and that would have further reduced my risk.  Honestly it didn’t even occur to me to do that since we talk about them as a unit.

    That’s the only regret I have about the surgery so far.  I am sore but mostly feel like I got punched in the gut several times and I feel a bit crampy as well.  She did remove my iud that was due to be removed as well.  She prescribed me 800 mg of ibuprofen and also some tramadol for pain.  I will be taking the tramadol tonight after a long day.

    She has recommended I start birth control pills to further reduce my risk of ovarian cancer.  This would suppress ovulation thus “quieting” the ovaries a bit.  I’d like to do some more research on that before I begin that.

    Overall…success…down two fallopian tubes and hopefully the pathology will come back clean and clear.  Checking things off the list and being proactive.  I’m kind of over having surgeries though…have I ever mentioned how much I hate trying to wake up after anesthesia.

  2. I made the call

    July 21, 2014 by Julie Moon

    I made the call…to schedule my salpingectomy (removal of fallopian tubes).   I’ve been doing some research about removing only the fallopian tubes now and waiting until about 50 to remove the ovaries.  Yes…it’s two surgeries instead of one.  Yes it will cost more money.  But,  it means I don’t have to go on hormone replacement therapy just yet.  It means my body won’t be forced into menopause at an early age.  There is a good bit of research that suggests that many ovarian cancers start in the fallopian tubes. And for a better quality of life they are suggesting to delay the oopherectomy until closer to menopausal age.   I know this doesn’t eliminate all my risk but there are risks associated with a body without ovaries too.

    Some reading material:

  3. Research Time

    April 6, 2014 by Julie Moon

    So I met with the gyn…she had lots of great information for me.  First we talked about the oopherectomy itself and we actually talked about a study that had been done recently that suggested removing the fallopian tubes and not the ovaries was a good preventative step.  She copied the article and I am going to read it and see what my thoughts are on this.  We discusses hormone replacement and she explained bioidenticals and where the raised interested in compounded medicines came from.  When I do remove my ovaries we will have to test out different things to see what makes me feel most normal.  There will be some bumps along the way but she assured me the she felt confident we would figure it out.

    She said to just let her know where to be and when I was ready and she’d take whatever out that I wanted. Ha.  We can always continue with surveillance.  I am monitoring my CA125 levels each year and I can also request to have ultrasound done to just look at things.  I will be 37 this year….decisions decisions.   I have no idea what is a “natural” menopause age for women in my family.

  4. Ooph….

    March 28, 2014 by Julie Moon


    Sometimes I like to ignore the fact that I have a BRCA 1 mutation.  The truth is that I actually forget.  I sometimes even forget that I have had 4 operations to rid my body of any risk of breast cancer.  I never forget when I’m undressed but fully clothed…I forget.  I have felt brave, smart and proactive while dealing with my mastectomy and reconstruction.  Now I must deal with the other risk factor that BRCA 1 carries.  I must face the fact that I have a super high risk of ovarian cancer.  And not only that I have a risk but there really isn’t any great system for monitoring ovarian cancer at this time.   Most ovarian cancer is caught late and the risk is just too great for me.  How incredibly sad would it be for me to do all the work I have to rid myself of breast cancer but be too scared to get my oopherectomy and then die from that.  I could never forgive myself.  So…April 1st…I have an appointment with my fabulous GYN to discuss my options.  I have researched hormone replacement and yet I still feel a bit confused.  I’m 36 and still have some time until menopause.  I’m scared of my body getting out of control.  I’m scared of gaining weight.  I’m scared of my eyesight getting worse.  I’m scared of my libido drying up.  I’m scared of feeling old and looking old.  Thankfully I’ve gotten over the fear of what it will cost because it always costs lots and I just pay it off as I can.  I do not fear recovery because heaven knows I’ve recovered from worse and I have an amazing village on my side.   Time to step up and get this done!