Today, I am 20 days away from my 45th birthday. Tomorrow, I will go in for a robot-assisted total laparoscopic hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. This is hopefully the final surgery in a long list of preventative steps I have taken as a result of my BRCA 1 status. Research suggests that BRCA 1 patients have a high risk of ovarian cancer and perhaps also uterine cancer.
As far as we know…nothing is wrong. I had my regular CA 125 blood work done and regular ultrasound that I do annually or biannually. Things looked pretty normal but the CA 125 levels were a little high but still in the normal range. Stephanie Allen, my gynecologist, and friend called me to say, “Please go see this gynecological oncologist and get his opinion.” So I did. And Dr. Wilson was pretty adamant that it was time. We spent a good long while talking through things and decided we would go ahead and schedule surgery.
I have dreaded this one the most. I have lots of questions about how this one changes my body and life in general. What will menopause feel like? Will I gain weight? What hormonal changes will come? Should I do hormone replacement? What are the risk and benefits of that? How long will it take to recover? How long until I can lift weights again? Will losing my uterus cause all kinds of problems? So many questions.
What I DO know…is this. I have a great team of doctors who I have consulted….again and again. Those great doctors have shared medical journals, notes, research, and more with me and have let me lead this step when I felt fully ready. I have a great support team. My wonderful husband and my mom will take great care of me physically. I have a pelvic floor therapist I have already spoken to that I will be meeting with post-surgery. My trainer at the gym is on board with modifying my workouts throughout my recovery. I am so grateful!
It’s interesting to me that this surgery would be harder mentally than my breast surgery and reconstruction. That was WAY harder physically but somehow I was brave enough to take that step. So I know that I am brave enough to take this step.
I think there is a bit of sentimentality kicking in this time. This precious body I was given has carried three babies. I am forever grateful to this body and all the ways it has nourished life. My mom even called me today to make sure I was doing ok emotionally with it all. I’m known to compartmentalize my emotions and not really connect with them sometimes. It’s ok…I have a couple of good “feelers” as family and friends who help me remember that this is a big deal.
Love you honey. You are so brave.
I learned it from watching you mama.
Julie, you are so brave for doing this! As a post hysterectomy patient, it was the best thing I could ever have done for myself. I feel better than I ever have! I would certainly encourage hormone replacement. I will be praying for you and your recovery. You got this!!!
Thanks Mary. I don’t have any pain or discomfort as this is totally preventative surgery. But you never know…
Julie, I am blown away by your willingness to open up and share your journey. I had no idea you were going through all or any of this, sadly. I hope and pray you feel God’s hands wrap around you and bring you great healing quickly. We will be praying for you. Hey, come heal up in Maui!!!☺️💗🙏
Much love
It’s been a long journey. I can’t wait to plan a visit.
Hugs and love for you,Julie. Praying for you.
Thank you!!!
Praying for you Julie.
Thank you!!
Julie, It has been quite some time since we’ve seen each other. And then, only because your mom (my doula) had introduced me to the church. Thank you so much for sharing everything about this part of your life. Your experiences have helped many others, insight, perspective, and courage. All the best wishes for a quick, text-book recovery.