Two less fallopian tubes to worry about

September 20, 2014 by Julie Moon

I had surgery on Wednesday.  My friend and gynecologist here in town, Stephanie Allen, did the surgery.  She has been a great support through all my decision making and has been great about providing me with articles and research to support my decision making.  I always feel respected and like we are in a partnership for finding my best health plan.

It was a fairly simple laproscopic procedure.  She removed my two fallopian tubes.  I was told (I wasn’t awake yet when she came to check in) that the right tube had a cyst.  It’s obviously being sent off to pathology and the left tube was attached to my left ovary.  She said she had some difficulty removing the tube.  Hindsight is 20/20 and I don’t know why we didn’t think of this but I wish I had asked her to remove one of my ovaries.  As far as I understand my body can function normally with just one ovary and that would have further reduced my risk.  Honestly it didn’t even occur to me to do that since we talk about them as a unit.

That’s the only regret I have about the surgery so far.  I am sore but mostly feel like I got punched in the gut several times and I feel a bit crampy as well.  She did remove my iud that was due to be removed as well.  She prescribed me 800 mg of ibuprofen and also some tramadol for pain.  I will be taking the tramadol tonight after a long day.

She has recommended I start birth control pills to further reduce my risk of ovarian cancer.  This would suppress ovulation thus “quieting” the ovaries a bit.  I’d like to do some more research on that before I begin that.

Overall…success…down two fallopian tubes and hopefully the pathology will come back clean and clear.  Checking things off the list and being proactive.  I’m kind of over having surgeries though…have I ever mentioned how much I hate trying to wake up after anesthesia.


  1. Kelly says:

    Hi! I was so encouraged by your story. I am also BRCA+. I am scheduled for surgery on the 22nd at Northside. Dr. Stallings will be doing my surgery. I am nervous, but ready to get it over with. Thank you for sharing your story…it is comforting to find someone to identify with.

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