Friday Biopsy

November 12, 2011 by Julie Moon

Friday I went in for my breast biopsy.  I had a 1 mm spot on my ultrasound that Dr. Stallings felt was worthy of investigation.  I went in to have her do a needle biopsy and aspirate the fluid and we will send it off to pathology to see if it is cancerous or not.   I believe she did a core biopsy as well.   I should really ask more questions.  My mom met me at the breast center.  It was a very quick and simple procedure.  They numb the area and then I didn’t feel anything after that.  She said I would bruise quite heavily since it was near the muscle.  So far I show no bruising though I was pretty sore yesterday.  I am pretty sure the waiting is tougher for my mom than for me.  I don’t have any feelings that this is cancer.  I can’t do anything about it until Tuesday or Wednesday when I hear from Dr. Stallings so I am really just fine.  I know my plan of action should anything come back negative and it is the same plan should everything come back normal.

I am so grateful for the support I feel I am getting from friends and family.  You never really know how your friends will respond to you telling them you’re going to have a mastectomy even though you don’t have cancer. Most of them tell me I’m being brave.  To me it isn’t about being brave but about being smart.  I’m actually pretty scared but I feel like my knowledge overpowers that fear.   It really breaks my heart that there are so many women out there who won’t have the BRCA testing because they are afraid to know.

I met another BRCA + woman at the breast center yesterday.  She was in for a lump and planning her prophylactic bilateral as well.  She seemed positive, strong and smart.  I gave her my email…I hope she contacts me.   I met another woman there whose mother was going through radiation.  She said she herself was in that office all the time because she always had lots of lumps.  She seemed more nervous, unsure of what was going on and uninformed about what might be going on in her body.  Knowledge is power.  I hope after our conversations she reads up a little more about her situation and becomes empowered.

I feel strong.  I feel smart.  I don’t feel brave yet but I know I will.  I will BE brave when the time comes to be brave.

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