Posts Tagged ‘photograph’

  1. Six Weeks Down

    March 16, 2012 by Julie Moon

    Yesterday marked six weeks since my surgery.  I can say that I do actually feel like myself again.  I feel like I am on the other side.  I am not totally healed.  I still have gauze covering my wounds and I still have scars that need to be revised and more surgery on the books for the rest of the year but I can say without a doubt that I’m grateful I had this surgery.  I feel happy and healthy.  I know I will regain complete mobility in my arms and that I will feel like myself more and more.

    On Tuesday I had the opportunity to get my hair styled and have some very flattering photographs taken.  It is for something we are about to do at our photography studio.  It was just the boost of self confidence any woman needs…especially one who just underwent a mastectomy.  I felt absolutely beautiful.  I took some time to look back on my photos just after surgery and wow what a ways I have come in those 6 weeks.   I have said it before but science and this surgery is amazing.  I feel so blessed.

    Six Weeks!!!! I can hardly believe it!