Yesterday I printed off a list of all the plastic surgeons that are covered by my insurance. Six pages of names and addresses but I wasn’t really sure where to start. I posted on facebook but then after getting several questions from friends I removed the post. I don’t mind that everyone knows what is going on but I didn’t want to be overly dramatic and draw attention. One person did email me though and really took the time to reach out. Her husband is a ob/gyn here in town and her sister in law is a breast surgeon in Atlanta. She emailed her sister in law for me and got me several recommendations for surgeons. I now have a list of four…two men and two women. Tomorrow I’m calling to make appointments to meet with them.
There are moments every single day that I can hardly believe I’m doing this. It’s like a movie I’m watching but not really participating in. I am going to take my mom with me to meet surgeons. I think this will be a bit cathartic for her to go through with me. I need a bit of space though to separate my emotions from hers. I feel differently about my surgery than she did…we are such very different people. She wants to protect me so much and I have to find the line of letting her help me and making my own choices. I don’t doubt that she’ll support me wholeheartedly…no matter what I choose to do.
This is my journal…writing my questions, notes and thoughts about this journey.