Posts Tagged ‘food’

  1. Unexpected Blessings

    February 10, 2012 by Julie Moon

    I received an email from a friend this afternoon that brought me to tears.  I hadn’t really given too much thought to how my friends were feeling during this whole journey.  I have thought lots about my family but not specifically about my friends.  She put her feelings into words so eloquently and it really made me think about the decisions that I make to include people in my hard times and rely on my friends.  I thought this really needed to be shared.


    “Thank you for being so willing to let your friends help out through this time, Julie. I know that it isn’t easy, but it’s been a gift to us in many ways. As people who love you, we could be feeling helpless and sad right now. But, by letting us bring meals to your family and help out where we can you’ve given us the gift of feeling useful. And, we worry for you…but we worry less because you’ve made us feel included in your journey and been honest about how you’re feeling. Less worry is always a gift. And, right now my kiddos are playing in their room, bringing food and cleaning the “houses” of their stuffed animals.  Because the animals aren’t feeling well and “that’s just what friends do for each other, Mama.” I’m grateful that friendship, and both the offering of kindness and the very gracious acceptance of it are being so beautifully modeled by this circle of friends you’ve created. So thank you for those gifts…they’ve been unexpected blessings.”

  2. My Village Is Amazing

    January 30, 2012 by Julie Moon


    I cannot begin to express the support I have received this week in preparation for my trip.  Last night we had an amazing circle of friends that showered me with love, encouragment, prayers and gifts.  First of all if you are a mother you know how hard it is to get out of your house in the evening.  The fact that so many of my friends were able to be there was just awesome!  Not to mention one of my beloved friends suprised me by driving in all the way from Nashville, TN.  I  was truly suprised and I do love a good surprise.  We had all my favorite foods and drinks and the room was so full of love and cheer.  We circled up and friends prayed for me, my healing, my family, my emotions and everything in between.  My friends suprised me with an envelope of cash to help while we are out of town and my mom and I are feeding ourselves on the road….or whatever else we need it for!  They gave me seven wrapped gifts for me to leave for my children…three small gifts in each bag so that my children have something fun to look forward to while I am gone and they know that I love them and I’m still thinking about them.  8, 6 and 3 still is very young to remember that your mom is coming home soon and time just still can slip into that “forever” feeling for them.  Many of my friends sent one very talented friend pieces of fabric and she created the most amazingly beautiful quilt for me.  I will literally be wrapped in their love while I am healing.  It was an amazing night as sisters!

    Another friend has created an intricate meal plan for my family while I am gone.  That was one thing I really felt worried about and she has done an A+ job managing it.  My family will be well fed and taken care of while I am away.  That same friend and a few others put together a HUGE basket of snacks for my mom and I while we are gone.  Such a blessing!!

    And of course my best friend and my sister are prepared to fully take over and fill in for me…ready to step in at a moment’s notice to take care of everything else at my house.

    THIS is the village you want to live in.  THIS is the village I live in and I am Grateful. Moved. Inspired. Strong. Humbled. Blessed.