Day 6

February 6, 2012 by Julie Moon

Yesterday I was discharged from the hospital.  I was crying all morning because I was so scared to be away from all the “experts”.  Noone checking my flaps hourly, monitoring my blood pressure, temp and having whatever drug I needed right on hand.  My mom is an awesome caregiver but there was a certain comfort about being at the hospital.

But the best thing happened yesterday.  Three of my best friends drove 5 hours just to come and visit with me for a while.  They lifted my spirits when they were rock bottom.  They helped my mom and I get moved over to our temporary Charleston house…a beautiful home on the marsh. Our friends have generously offered to let us stay here while I’m recovering and can’t leave Charleston.  It was so great to have a distraction and have friends here to make me laugh and give my mom a little respite from having to do everything for me.   Mrs. B, whose house we are at, cooked us a delicious dinner last night.  She’s been such a wonderful hostess and made us feel so welcome.  Mr. B and all the girls sat on the sofa and watched golf…I think it was the first time he had ever paid that much attention to what the golfers were wearing.  Ha!

Last night, at bedtime, mom and I went into my bedroom and emptied my drains, changed my bra and put on fresh pajamas. I just cried and cried.  I felt so broken and so disfunctional.  My breasts are certainly bigger than what I wanted them to be and that made me feel disappointed.  I have four drains coming out of my body which just makes you feel gross and weird.  Around my breasts are so very bruised and sore.  One of my nipples is probably going to blister and scab over…hopefully it will fully survive.  But for now it’s all gross and blue from the radioactive dye I had injected to do the sentinel lymph node biopsy.  My backside is crazy looking.  You can still see all the sharpie on my skin from getting marked before surgery and then I have two long incision scars….LONG.  And I had a little over a pound of fat removed from each upper gluteal area…so for now there is a bit of a divot.  This is why there is a second and third stage to the surgery.  It’s definitely not over and this is in no way the “finished” product.  But no matter how many times you tell yourself that…you still feel mournful.

I tried to skype with my children last night and they were screaming and being loud and it was all too overwhelming for me.  I had to close down the chat pretty quickly.  Hopefully I can have a moment with the Mister soon to video chat just he and I.  I miss him and just want to snuggle into his neck and have him stroke my hair.  It’s good for me to be away from the kids because I think they would be more than I could handle this week.  But my heart longs for him.

I think I’m going to have my mom take some progress pictures starting today.  I think that will help me feel like I’m healing even when I don’t feel like it.

Oh….one more thing!  Yesterday Dr. Craigie told me my pathology came back all clear…no cancer anywhere!

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