July, 2014

  1. I made the call

    July 21, 2014 by Julie Moon

    I made the call…to schedule my salpingectomy (removal of fallopian tubes).   I’ve been doing some research about removing only the fallopian tubes now and waiting until about 50 to remove the ovaries.  Yes…it’s two surgeries instead of one.  Yes it will cost more money.  But,  it means I don’t have to go on hormone replacement therapy just yet.  It means my body won’t be forced into menopause at an early age.  There is a good bit of research that suggests that many ovarian cancers start in the fallopian tubes. And for a better quality of life they are suggesting to delay the oopherectomy until closer to menopausal age.   I know this doesn’t eliminate all my risk but there are risks associated with a body without ovaries too.

    Some reading material:


  2. What is breast reconstruction?

    July 3, 2014 by Julie Moon

    Someone showed me this video this week and I really loved how it explained the differences between all the different methods of reconstruction.  I thought this would be helpful for those out there researching their options.